Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Waste Not Want Not Wednesday: Spidey Strikes Again

More of the Spidey valances projects.

This pillowcase will go to Online Angels.

This is the Spidey gift complete. The letters fit nicely into the matching zippered bag.

This is something I had to mention. I was not thinking happy thoughts when I went to sew in the zipper and couldn't find the zipper foot. So when I was looking at it, inside out, I noticed how beautifully the photos matched up. At first I got excited - it was completely random that it happened that way. Then I remembered I was looking at the inside of the bag and got cranky again. Well, when I turned it right side out it was just as perfect.

That was when I knew God was smiling on me. He reminded me that even if I couldn't find the correct tool He would help me make something beautiful.

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